Skill Levelintermediate
Enrolled 1,141 students enrolled
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Key concepts covered include:
Participants will gain knowledge and understanding of:
- What tobacco is and how it’s commonly used.
- The global scale of the tobacco epidemic.
- Why tobacco is one of the most powerfully addictive substances and how dependence develops.
- The consequences of tobacco use on health and well-being.
- How tobacco dependence treatment fits into an overall worldwide tobacco control strategy.
- An introduction to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC).
- An introduction to Article 14 of the FCTC.
- What brief advice is.
- How effective it is.
- How to identify smoking status.
- How to deliver brief advice.
- Assessments of tobacco dependence and smoking behavior; specifically:
- Fagerstrom Test for Cigarette Dependence
- The heaviness of the Smoking Index
- How to elicit information to understand a typical day of a smoker and the relationship the person has with smoking cigarettes/tobacco?
- The different routes to quitting or reducing harm from tobacco.
- Evidence-based medicines to help smokers quit, including nicotine replacement therapy, varenicline bupropion, and cytisine.
- The current evidence base of the efficacy and safety of electronic cigarettes in treating tobacco dependence.
- Current legislation and regulation across the world.
- Behavioral support and its evidence base.
- Skills needed to deliver behavioral support.
- The effectiveness of behavioral support.
What you'll learn
This e-learning course is comprised of 8 modules exploring how to deliver an effective cessation program to your patients. Over the duration of this course, you will learn about how we can combat the tobacco epidemic, methods for promoting a successful quit attempt, supporting your patients through their quit plan, and pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment for tobacco dependence.